The Austrian Society of Obstetrics and Gynaecology provides a statement on the use of ultrasound in pregnancy. You can learn about the routine pregnancy care (Mutter-Kind Paß) and also about prenatal diagnostic examinations not covered by the basic social care.
Patient history necessary for risk assessment. Please download, complete and present at your appointment.
The trusted method of screening for chromosomal anomalies and fetal developmental anomalies in the first trimester.
Learn more about your personal risk for pregnancy complications and what you can do about them.
The cell-free fetal DNA Test also known as NIPT (Non-Invasivasive-Prenatal-Test).
The risk of trisomies 21, 18 and 13 can be determined from a simple maternal blood test. Currently the most precise non-invasive test available. Best combined with a detailed ultrasound examination.
An anomaly scan is a special scan complementing your routine Mutter-Kind Paß care. You become a most detailed ultrasound evaluation of the fetal anatomy. The scan is performed according to stringent international guidelines and training.
IN 2018 the German, the Swiss and the Austrian Societies of Obstetrics and Gynaecology issued a joint statement on the current recommendation on the implementation of first trimester screening in pregnancy